Most of pe0ple pr0blems c0me fr0m n0t telling d truth... d lies u tell, even to spare other people's feelings, always come back t0 haunt y0u...if u simply tell pe0ple wut u mean you wud be better off, a lot happier, not trapped in s0me awkward social situation....0thers will know where they stand n will be m0re h0nest with you....
Dey w0nt expect u to b wut u're n0t....Dey w0n't need to test u 2 disc0ver ur intention...u w0nt hav 2 make excuses f0r n0t d0in things u didnt want to do or explain why u prefer 2 do wut you like to do...dey'll noe...
Telling d truth n being your own person are cl0sely linked.. A str0ng pers0n says wut he or she means. A weak pers0n lies t0 please 0thers. A str0ng person lets d truth b 0ther pe0ple's pr0blem. A weak pers0n h0lds d trutH inside n complains about being treated unfairly...
Tell d truth about wut u feel, wants and like and mean wut u say...if 0thers geT hurt by ur truth, dey'll hav to deal wif it..0thers may not like wut u say, but dey'll rspect u 4 being honest n dey'll survive better than if u lie to them...
If u lie to please pe0ple, dey won't really believe u...dey'll b suspicious n suffr wif evry inconsistency dey find in ur story..pe0ple hate being lied to, bcoz lying takes away their free choices n their ability to defend themselves...
" If l0vE iS anYthiNg..l0Ve is d Truth "
sHy 28
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